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Shasta County

Pictured: View of Mount Shasta.

In 2018, Shasta County Health and Human Services Public Health Branch (SCPH) developed a health equity policy, procedure, and checklist to ensure all new and revised public health programs, policies, and procedures incorporate health equity principles, disaggregated data, and community perspectives.

Interrupted by COVID-19, the checklist is soon to be up and running. Future implementation of the checklist includes feedback regarding the effectiveness, challenges, and usability. SCPH plans to pair the updated tool with accountability structures and training. Learning objectives from the organization’s original training included health equity terminology, and the identification of social determinants of health and its relation to public health work. While these are excellent foundational objectives, SCPH identified the need for structural oppression, power, and historical disenfranchisement training.

To achieve these objectives, SCPH will use the Region V Public Health Training Center’s training titled, “Introduction to Health Equity and Racial Justice” to orient all public health staff to health equity. Additional training opportunities for staff include Community Conversations on equity, hour-long presentations for Public Health staff developed by the SCPH equity unit. Each conversation is a different topic, introduces theories and tools, and encourages staff to think about equity in relation to their own work. These trainings incorporate local, historical context to make equity topics more tangible, impactful, and meaningful.

For more information, please visit the Shasta County HHSA Public Health website.